What You Wanted
When all your hopes and dreams have taken you here
Facing the disappointment of working yourself up to this point
You want to be ok with it
Wanting to ignore the bitter taste as it leaves
Wasting your prospects
You feel at your lowest
Getting out of bed a fucking chore
To face the day and try to act ok
But it could never really happen
In this state of despair
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
The Wait
There is no greater thrill or torture
Then waiting to see you again
The want to just be in your company
To hear your laugh echo through my ears
My smile always breaking through
I can’t help it
The way you perfectly fit within my arms
How I could have kissed you till morning
Still I know that wouldn’t have been enough
Now I’ll have to wait
That’s all I can do
Till I see you again
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
Come Sit For Awhile
I offer you this chair
To come sit for awhile
As we regal tales of truth
And lies
Spinning the day to our will
Enjoying the company in which our thoughts don’t fray
Sit and sit and let us conspire
Grow in the intimacy of people who want to talk
To find a end
Satisfying or not
We talk to see it through to the other side
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
The Pull of July
June’s worries are left behind
Augusts’ anxieties are still distant
Settling into the haze of July
It’s promise of relaxation
Temps you with sweet subtle lips
It tries to bargain with you rest and forgetfulness
With heat and sweat
It has us all praying for Winter again
July is here trying to pull us all in
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
I Want Out
Thank you for the tears and misery
For my rock bottom
And my self hatred
Truly couldn’t have happened without you
I’m tired and angry
I want to punch a hole in the wall
I want to forget everything
I want numbness
I want my mind body and soul
Banished from you
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
A Funny Life
It is a funny little life
With little things
And it’s funny people milling about
On it’s funny days like May 14
Funny is funny for it’s own sake
But with you it’s brighter
Lighter to the touch
Oh what a bright and funny little life
When I get to see you
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
Winter Again
It will be winter again
And all of this memory
I’ll be changed
Not sure how
But you don’t go through the woods
Without coming out on the other side
Seeing a different world
I am terrified
I am excited
I am nervous
That winter won’t be a memory at all
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
It Persists
I hate how much I bully myself
Round in circles I loathe
Bath myself in a hateful choir
How horrible to be in such a state
I want to banish it from my mind
My mind though finds a loophole
To continue on
I don’t know how it expects me to do the same
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
Flipping Pages
I turn over the pages of my past
And it makes me uneasy
But as I reflect
I understand my anxious breath
Hoping others saw me the way I wanted them to
That I saw myself that way as well
I try so hard to play a part
I’ve learned not everyone see’s the same play
It’s a role I wish to unburden from my mind
Give my self the grace to know I am not an actor
But a human thrown into the impossible
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
I Send Out These Words
There is a magic in words isn’t there
These words I write here
Like prayers, or creeds
Little pulls at fate
Out into the world I send these words
Let myself be free of the burden to hide my heart
Let me open to love’s whisper
And let loves source find me
Ready and waiting for whenever they are willing
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
The Collector
I like to hold onto things
I’m a collector after all
But that saying starts to sink in
That sometimes we need to let go of what we love
To make room for the love that can truly move us
For a new love to open us up
Outside of the comfort of what we know
If we love
We know we can let it go
Cause you can never really loose what you love
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
Hope Cast to Sea
Hope, hope, hope
It’s washed away from me
Taken by the waves
When I laid there helpless by the sea
I’m afraid it’ll never return
From the world to my door
It’s all misery
And hope is hiding
Even though we all desperately wish to find it
It alludes us irrevocably
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
To Cry Forever
I feel like I could cry for ages
Fill the puddles around my home
Then the rivers and the lakes they flow into
Eventually my tears could fill the oceans of the world
Then there will be nothing else to contain it
It’ll burst with my tears
And I’ll drown in such misery
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
Ode to Hecate
Take me to your crossroads
That is where I’ll feel safe
That is where I’ll feel you
I know whatever path I choose
You’ve already seen
So it is you that I walk with
I should not be afraid of it
Of the choice
Of the unknown
For you have seen it pass
Just part of the weave
I trust you as my guide
Dear Hecate
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
Not Meant to Be
You were never meant to be perfect
Humanity perpetually punished in our imperfections
How horrid
How rancid
But for fucks sake
There is nothing you can do
But to live its mysterious day by day
To take things in the moment
And to gently let them go
It will be ok
You and I always figure out a way
To land on our feet
Elizabeth Almeida ©2024
To Little Me
I’ve danced around the truth
The truth that has tarnished and taken away
My childhood
That inner child brought down
Below their depths of self
Below the world
And the possibility to be happy
I never let myself be a kid
Circumstances never allowed it
Life complicated it more
I should have let that little me out more
Give her a glimpse of possibility
A look at the joy and beauty
She may play in
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Little World and Little Life
What I hope for most in my life
Is to slow down
That is my dream
Where each day is like a weekend
To sleep as long as you desire
Slowly rise and muck about
Taking the time to enjoy the morning
To hop for a little walk
In the neighbourhood you’ve found yourself in
Taking in what makes your little world and little life
So beautiful
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Written Out of the Story
I lost everything to you
It couldn’t be helped
Wouldn’t want to mess with fates design
I keep thinking if only, I didn’t give you everything
Laid all of myself in your lap
Looking back I see it all as a melting image
I was loosing it then
Before it was all gone
I got attached to an idea
To the look of us side by side
Holding hands through grocery aisles
I made up my own story in my mind
Never did I consider fates grasp
On all the rest
Foolishly I placed all my bets on you
On some version of future us
Whims and paper I built it up
Fate and reality took it from my hold
You fell out of my story
Just as quickly as your name was written
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
A Letter to Them
Floating between skies and stars
Bound for no clear destination
But I feel a pull of love
Unsure of where
So to you love
These words I write as placeholders
These words I collect
Till I find you
And these words will become meaningless
Only until I take that step towards you
Bring you into my arms
Acting on that love for you each day we vow
I love you, will be the only words of mine that matter
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023