The Language of Pain

The shock of tears to a cold face

Racing to fall below your cheek

To the waiting shirt below

Everything frozen in slow motion

As your world crumbles

Tearing away the walls and beauty

Created in your mind

Your heart breaks nothing more

Just like broken glass on the floor

That safe little place you’ve made is gone

The wind has made it through

Greif makes its presence known

All your body can do is allow the tears to run

To blur the vision in front of you

But you can’t blind yourself from the pain

No you feel warm tears finding their way

Down your frozen face

It is silent and blaring

A dark and brilliant shock

You want to run

And you just want to fall

In this state

Tears are the only language your body knows

Elizabeth Almeida ©2021


The Flowers That Still Grow


Too Late to Reach Out