Something About Spring
There is something hopeful about spring
The poets have always said
But it is only today
In which I believe them
A true turn to warmth and the new
Brilliant sun on playful faces
A renewed optimism that was lost in winter
Will be found in the new growth of spring
The change struck me so blatantly
I even allowed myself the moment
To tilt my head to the sun
And soak in the peace of spring
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
Forgotten How to Dream
I was asked to dream the best relationship I could
To dream of what I want
And my answer was stuck in the past
Anything in the world I could dream of
Yet all I dreamed about
Was my short comings back then
Maybe it’s because I am stuck there
Maybe it’s because I gave up on dreams
Too foolish to let myself hope
A dream of ‘them’ could truly exist
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
A Racing Heart
It gave me a start
Holding your hand through the night
I kept trying to keep up
With my racing heart
I could tell you were trying to find control too
With me lying so close to your chest
Thrumming with that new love uncertainty
In my nervousness I still felt safe
I always knew I would be ok
With your hand in mine
Or your arms keeping me close
You were safe
It gave me a taste for more
To love more than one soul could hold
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
Just Like Me
Fear wears a face like mine
Simple lines, dark eyes and hair
An uneasy reflection to some
For me, I can’t help but be moved by the sight
The tears and screams
Coming from my own eyes and mouth
I see we wear the same misery
So fear I listen to her
Against my other judgements
It’s hard not to listen to somebody
Who looks just like you
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
The Talk of Love
It is love they say
That saves us from the brink
From the poverty of hatred
Its poison is forgotten
When love is embraced
It’s warmth chases away the cold malice
That had once taken hold
With that lightness
No longer burdened by the weight
You wish to free others who burn with disdain
If only the talk of love would be so easy
Nothing is scarier than love
Perhaps that is why no one will take a chance
The paradise we all crave
Within arms reach
If only we spoke with love
Passionate and simple tenderness
But our world is gray
Muddled in its own bureaucracy
Take my words
As the first step of affection
May it spark that love
That could change the world
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
A Welcoming Winter
I think I’ve been asleep
Not bothering to check the time
Not a moment disturbed or peaked
Light leaks through my window shade
Hitting my eyes
Causing me to stir and wake
Then there you are
In your woken glory I’m stunned
Between sheets and your beauty before me
Never have I seen a winter morning
So warm and welcoming
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
If hope is a thing with feathers
Then oh dear what is fear
Perhaps a werewolf on the run
Hoping a full moon will never come
Ravaging town after town
Unable to satisfy its hunger
Fear, that pit inside us now
Hungry for your screams
No escape, dark and damp
A hole easy for us to hid in
Letting it consume
Fear is a thing of hunger
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
Loving You
I wonder what loving you would feel like
Would it be just like breathing
Filling me with life
Or the feeling of jumping off a cliff
Finding yourself flying instead
Is it tender like a waltz
Near the last call
Or passionate like a night after years apart
Making up for lost time
Would loving you make me worry
If I am worthy
Or with your love would I never doubt
Would we be the two that meet as equals
On the cusp of true love
Would I be able to feel it
Like the salty wind from the sea
Through a cottage window
Would I sense your closeness
Of your waves crashing towards me
Would loving you sound as beautiful as this poem
And be hopeful as its final stanza
Would loving you be a trip to the stars
On an ordinary afternoon
How I wonder if I were to be so lucky
To be the one who shares your love
I would cherish it
Loving, feeling, running, dancing
Taking in every moment I may love you
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
I will follow as long as I can
Follow the thread left behind
Peer over the edges it brings me to
Running away from the fear
Dripping into my mind
Falling in love with it all
Going as far as it pleases me
Understanding what makes me feel good
Appreciating the odd corners it takes me to
Following the randomness of a thread
Left to the breeze
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
A Path Forward
Trying to understand what it means to be me
Happy with solitude
Not drowning myself with the voices of others
My desires and needs
The dreams I want to shoot for
I’ve been to the darkest point
Waiting for the light to break through
Giving me a path
I’d gladly walk through
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
Buried Beneath
Perhaps we are there
Where the trees and soil meet
Buried underneath
Waiting to be uncovered by the other
With hands or a shovel
Piece by piece
The dirt scraped away
Till we see what we’ve hidden away
What we’re willing to risk for each other
Delicate as to not destroy the tree
Brutal as to not miss anything
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
Grief is always messy
It isn’t just sadness
But love undone, left to fester
Deep inside, grief is learning about loneliness
All god damn over again
Grief is the anger that we cannot undo death
No matter how hard we try
We cannot control it
Grief is facing our own inevitability
Finite is our time to love or grieve
That’s why we hate it so
Elizabeth Almeida ©2022
The Poet Today
I’m simply a poet
I don’t know if it is my words you need
If it is the hidden connection
Keeping its flow, that drives you on
If it is my existential worries
Or honey sweet verses of love
That is needed by you all
Whatever it could possibly be
I hope you take it as a balm to your thoughts
And to your hearts
Getting you through the next day
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
Rough Days
I’m sorry I’ve been coiled up for too long
Until today when I’ve found myself deep in a sadness
I reminded myself to be gentle
That’s all we really can do
To be considerate to our peace
Knowing that taking a break isn’t weakness
That if we are to survive the harshness of life
And of the world
We must allow ourselves the space to breath
A moment to still our jumpy minds
Finding ourselves again
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
Different Next Year
Rushing, pooling and dripping down my face
The water falls silently into the porcelain bowl below
I look up to see my face in the mirror
And I’m afraid it will be the same one to look back up
In another year or so
That nothing would have have changed to bring a smile to my face
Deeper lines and darker circles
Very little left for a laugh
I hope beyond reason
That it’ll be different
A change to the everyday
Dreams becoming true
That I need not turn into knots
Pacing my room for something more I can do
I refuse to sit still
I’ve grown to be a new person
I want more
Of that life waiting
Outside my door
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
The Value of Experience
I believe them when they say I can have happiness
Sharing in the bliss they so easily share
With ease they float pass the stresses
Somedays I wish I could be like them
But I understand the value of experience
For it promotes our growth
Only if you allow yourself to experience it
Without the filters or cherry picking
Just letting it wash over you
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
I threw a stone into a river
Just to watch it sink to the bottom
Back to the other rocks
But for a moment so gently it sat atop the water
Pushing out towards the edges
Letting the river know of its arrival
It makes me think how there is no plan for that rock
It lets nature move it about
Allowing for curious humans like I
To throw it in a river
It simply allows the world to give it life
And play with its story
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
How The World Changes
It does fade
Your childish embrace of the world
As it unfolds in front of you
The cold breeze of its indifference
Begins to wrap around you
The sharp picture of what you thought was perfection
Starts to dull and gray
What was once so simple
Is shown to be a spider’s web
The only thing you had was innocence
But innocence doesn’t survive in this world of cruelty
It likes to fool you into thinking it does
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
The Shape of Your Love
I have yet to know a more perfect form
Then love wrapped around each curve and tress of you
Threading through two lips that speak in beautiful rhyme
With two arms that holds my wicked humanity still
Love so carefully, so still
Like blankets round a sleeping form
Keeping you in your glory full
Love divinely bestowed within you heart
I can’t help but be enthralled by its wonders
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021
Take It Away
Take away the things you need
Don’t tell me where you placed it
Get it out of my head
I wish to not be reminded
Of the crowded room
Filled with your things
Stuff forgotten
Alone I still wish for more
Elizabeth Almeida ©2021