But A Chance
What do I ask for but a chance
To let all the noise fade
For the flames licking at my brain to burn out
A chance to live my life
Unhindered by the shit I’m haunted by
A past I wish was different
A present where nothing is fair
And a future to remind me I’m almost out of time
A chance for life to pass through me
Like a calm breeze in the summer
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
More Than My Words
I’ve always had the words
But not always the actions
Words are my fantasy
And actions the cold biting reality to take me out of it
It seems that all my actions
Or in-actions have always terrified me
Scared me beyond belief
To where I stay numb and unmoving
Letting possibility of something good slip away
I’m learning again to be more than words
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Never Leave Them Crying
I’m sure there’s written somewhere
To never leave a beautiful person crying
When you are there and see them
Take that time to hold their tears
Be with them through that grief
And only leave when you have their heart smiling
If only for a moment more
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Next To My Forever
I’ve waited next to my forever
Waited for them to come
Dreamt of a life we’d have
Of Sundays in
Nights entangled
Tomorrow less scary in your arms
What is forever mean
What do they look like
Their face alludes me
My imagination gets away from me
As I wait for my forever
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
In my Mind
I had it in my mind that it was all easy
That love would be easy
And life just the same
The movies I watched made it seem so
At least in the end it turned out ok
I seemed to have blocked it out in my mind
The Heartache and tears
The bittersweet taste life leaves in your mouth
I had it in my mind
That I had it all figured out
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
My Mornings With You
A coffee in hand
And you on my lap
I take slow sips
Allowing the feeling of warmth to move through me
It gives me more time for my eyes to linger
On the lines, the bumps, the many shapes of you
I still hold my coffee as I grab onto you
The deep scent of my drink lingers
On the places I’ve kissed you
And we have forever for this moment
The world need not disturb
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
I’ll Wait For It
I am excited to have that capital R romance
Where forever is enough
We are excited for the day to day
To be with each other
Showing another the little loves
And the big loves too
I can’t wait for lazy Sundays
For dancing in the kitchen till it’s late
And our feet are sore
To talking about what’s on our minds
Holding each other close when we need it
That is something I’ll wait for
I know it’s there
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Balled Fists
You ball your fists
Trying to punch through the pain
Close to breaking skin
I need another feeling
Can’t stand this sickening feeling
Through my fingertips
I could maybe find release
A distraction from the unrelenting want
To punch through
And rage against this fucking world
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Divine’s Chosen
Heaven escaped her lips
Would I be quick enough to catch it?
I dance around her
Feeling lifted by just having them around
The world moves slower and more deliberate
When you hold my hand
Heavenly warmth on my palm
There is nothing more divine
Than being within her grasp
To be hers
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
It Rained Again
It is just rain
It cleans the air
Cleanses the caked up dirt
Cool to the face
Refreshing to the soul
It reminds you that it is all temporary
Fleeting as it passes through your hands
You know sometime soon
There’ll be sun again
Warmth on your face
Longer nights as well
The rain just stopped by to say ‘Hello’
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
The Short of It
They fell in love on a bad day
It hurt in a good way
Tears swept up in the moment
It was too late to say sorry
Too early to say if it will be ok
In-between all possibilities of yourself
In each of them you can be sure
You are now alone
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Forever Offered
Forever was offered
But I chose right now
No one could promise me tomorrow
Let alone forever
So I chose today
This moment
While I still have it cupped in my hand
Forever lies with us now
It’s important we heed its call
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
White Noise
My mind is full of white noise
Buzzing and bruising
From lobe to lobe
I can’t shut it up
I can’t release that nagging sound
Tensing me, putting myself on edge
I hate the things it says to me
I hate agreeing with it too
Release me from it’s scratching tone
Leave me alone
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Love is Enough
Say what you will
But there is nothing more we crave
Than love
Love of family
Given or found
Love of another
Platonic or romantic
Love from ourselves
Quietly or loudly
Love in its unselfish ways
Love in its absolute form
Could really save us all
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Hiding -I’m Hiding
I could never fully explain why I hide the way I do
When I see the blinding light coming my way
All thoughts and feelings leave me
And I am left in the panic of feeling nothing
So I dodge before I am hit
It wouldn’t be off to say I’m just scared
That I’m a coward who wants to be un-related to the world
For a long time
I’ve wanted to escape
I don’t know what I need to run from
But I feel my feet wanting to flee
As far as it can go
I have a good life
But I have yet to name the monsters chasing me
There is no face or title to look for
They are lurking just out of reach
It makes me crawl deeper in myself
To shield and hide how I truly feel
Thinking the monsters won’t see
Eventually grow bored and leave me alone
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Love Remembered
I hold you closer at night
For I am afraid what the day may bring
And if this is the only peace I am granted
Then I will hold you as tight as I can
Squeeze a little to remind you I am there
Kissing your back
Saying the I love yous my voice can’t
When my day is tough and lonely
I will remember you silently sleeping in my arms
The safety of love undisturbed
Knowing it’ll be ok
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
I’m Yours
I’m already yours
I’ve surrendered to the idea
That no one would come close
The one face I think of during a bad day
Your voice the only sound that seems to calm me
Your love
The only thing I want to fight for
Before you can say more
I’m already yours
To whatever degree you’ll have me
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
A Soft Day
Here is another day I face
I’m unsure what it will give
Or what it may take
If it’ll feel long or short
Will I smile or cry
As my head rests on my bed
I don’t know what this day will have
But I know to carry myself softly
Through it all
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
A Game
I hate the game
Of things to say or do
The taboos in which to avoid
I hate the stepping around the other
Not knowing to to storm forward
Or retreat
I hate wanting
Making yourself a fool
When they would never give you the time of day
I hate how my mind bends itself around
Making it harder to forget
Or ignore the pull they have on you
I hate how they go
And I am left to question
To stay or move this forward
I hate this game to find my love
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023
Sometimes I Need A Reminder
Maybe I have more healing to do
That is all ok and good
Shouldn’t we all be aware of what we need
For me I try to give myself the gentleness I crave
And have been starved without
Acknowledging the sickening spirals
My mind loses itself in
Remembering to breathe slowly
Love loudly until it’s felt
And to understand
A good day may only be a morning away
Elizabeth Almeida ©2023